Qianhong LiuGeneral Manager

BA in Law from Wuhan University, EMBA from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, visiting scholar from University of Texas at Dallas. 

Mr. LIU was the senior manager of investment banking department of Changjiang Securities Co., Ltd, and Assistant General Manager of Huazi Asset Management Co., Ltd,. 

He joined CASI in 2006 and now serves as chairman of the board and general manager. He has led the development of CASI’s early stage technology investment business and has led his team to invest in a number of fast-growing small and medium-sized technology companies. He is responsible for the day-to-day management, investment exit and investor relations of CASI. 

Mr. LIU was awarded "Topq 30 Outstanding Innovators in China Equity Investment" by Chinese Venture in 2020.